EZComplete Premixes Ingredients and Nutritional Information
Please use these links to navigate to the information:
EZComplete fur Cats Ingredients
EZCompletee fur Cats Nutritional Analysis
EZComplete fur Dogs Ingredients
EZComplete fur Dogs Nutritional Analysis
Thank you for your interest!
Please note: At Food Fur Life, we feel strongly that transitioning your pet to a healthy, homemade diet is a commitment. Many are transitioning older animals, and as we frequently discuss, some pets (especially cats) do not recognize the new raw or home cooked food AS food. Compared to most commercially available canned or kibble pet foods, homemade food (no matter how it smells to us) has a very different smell, taste, texture and temperature than food to which they are accustomed. It is very much like asking an older person that has never eaten anything other than out of a bag, box or can to start eating fresh fruit and salad. And for our older pets, even if they took to the new food right away, their bodies would be in great upheaval with a rapid switch. While many pets do enjoy food made with the EZComplete premix right out of the starting gate and have no transition issues, some resistance to the new food format is normal. This is why we have resources dedicated to helping you achieve a successful transition. These include:
How To Slowly and Properly Introduce the New Food Made with EZComplete fur Cats
How To Transition to the New Food Made with EZComplete fur Cats
How To Transition Your Cat to Timed Meals
How To Transition Your Dog to the New Food Made with EZComplete fur Dogs
We also make ourselves available by email, and via message on our Facebook page.